Monday, January 28, 2008

First Day On The Job

O. and Praveen left this morning for Bombay and are now waiting to catch their flight tonight to London-Philadelphia.

That means that since 9:45Am this morning I Am In Charge.

My first plans of the day were foiled early on when I found out that one of the main people that I needed to attend my afternoon "pep-talk" "Let's keep this a tight ship" "I need your support" meeting went to Bombay with O. and Praveen at the last minute. I was so not happy.

But I pulled it together and went into the office and decided to make a bunch of changes in the decor since I Am Now In Charge. This, of course, entailed - shopping.

However, before I could take care of that important work I had to deal with the first problems of the day which were several people coming to collect payments on various bills - none of which I knew anything about previously and our Accountant (who is on vacation this week) also didn't know anything about.

Oh, my mood just got better and better.

In the end I didn't get done what I wanted to do, nobody got their money, but maybe it was for the best. Tuesday - meetings - All Day.


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Welcome to being "in charge," O Queen Rebecca! Sounds like a VERY foiled day but that you responded QUITE well! Praying for you!

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Uh oh...10PM your time and we haven't heard from you! Is this good or bad? Lifting it all up to the throne of Grace...di
