Monday, April 28, 2008

Shankar And Manju Got Married

In 1998 I traveled to India for the first time. I stayed at a Children's Home/Orphanage in Rajasthan. It was there that I fell in love with India AND my now husband.

Occasionally, the (now grown) children find their way to O. and me. Two children who were at the Children's Home the same time as me in 1998-99 were Shankar and Manju. I don't remember Shankar, but I remember Manju. She and her little sister, Anju, were two of the lovingest, sweetest little girls there and they attached themselves to my good friend Karen.

Shankar is from O.'s village and came to work with us as a security guard. Last year he brought Manju from the orphanage with the intent to marry her.

Their wedding was last night.

I told Manju her wedding reminded me of mine.

We were both married in this city.
We both were married on a Sunday night.
We both were at our weddings without a single family member in attendance (she's an orphan)
We both married men from the same little village in Rajasthan.

She wore my veil.

Signing the register (of course these pictures are in backwards order).

There was a real wedding photographer. I'd really rather not jump up in the middle of the ceremony to attempt to get good shots, that's why most of mine stink.

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