1. Before this meeting Suresh, our mission director, was asked to pray for a goat. He assumed* the goat was sick. He prayed a good 5 minutes for that goat's healing; he bound satanic spirits, he cast off curses. I, however, knew that we were having goat for dinner after the meeting, which Suresh did not. Poor goat was just getting prayed for because he was about to be slaughtered for our dinner. Suresh had a good laugh afterwards - me too.
The funnier thing was, the lady next to me leaned over while the goat was being slaughtered in front of us - right behind the man preaching and said, "We just prayed for that goat and now they've killed it!"
I told Suresh that at least the goat was healed and delivered before he breathed his last.
*We all know what assume spells: ass u me
I ma sorry but that is hilarious...but at the same time horrible...how can eat what you just saw killed...YUNK!!
ReplyDeleteI ma sorry but that is hilarious...but at the same time horrible...how can eat what you just saw killed...YUNK!!
ReplyDeleteObvioulsy, I do not know how to do this correctly...I have tried to send this three times...oh my, look at that, I did send it three times, well at least this one has less spelling errors???...
ReplyDeleteI am sorry but that is hilarious...but at the same time horrible...how can you eat what you just saw killed...YUNK!!
Shoulda known it was you Charisse. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a mutton eater (as a witness of it's death or not. I do watch my chickens get killed and chopped up tho - which is a whole other story), but we were served mutton four times in 4 days. It was obviously the meat of choice...
This is the raddest story of all time.