Friday, August 29, 2008

Update On Orrisa

Today, Friday, August 29, 2008, Christian schools all over India declared a school holiday to protest the violence against Christians in Orrisa. Our schools were also closed and we spent the morning in prayer.

Yesterday O. contacted several of the churches here in our city to see how we could work together to do something. He didn't get much of a response at the time, but today during our prayer time the pastor of the local Church of North India church walked in. He shared that his church had a committee meeting last night and they were all for holding a Prayer Rally through the streets of our city on Tuesday, September 2nd. This was met by applause by all of us who were praying for something just like this.

O. and a bunch of others are out right now personally visiting the church leaders of all the local fellowships and asking them to participate on this day where we walk though our city together and pray for Orrisa AND our own city. Hallelujah!

I'm praising God because after 10 years in India this is the first time I have ever seen this kind of UNITY among Christians. I am praying that it is just the start of ALL of us working together to see our nation transformed by the Gospel.

The following post is an email we received from the head of the Evangelical Fellowship of India, which is an organization to which we belong. It tells clearly and concisely what the current situation is in Orrisa and what the church in India is doing.

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