Sunday, October 19, 2008

Goa Retreat

O. and got back from Goa late Friday night, it was a little touchy at the end because our first flight was late causing us to miss our second flight, but we caught the last flight out of Bombay at just the last minute. Whew.

The conference was sponsored by EFI (Evangelical Fellowship of India) and Barnabas International. It was a wonderful time to fellowship with other ministry leaders in India and their wives. One couple said it was the first time in 28 years of ministry that they had both gotten away together! Mostly the wives were delighted to be invited along with the husbands since we usually send our husbands off to these conferences and we stay at home and hold the fort.

It was a lovely resort, right on the ocean in Goa and O. and I had a great and refreshing time.

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