Saturday, November 08, 2008

Railings And A Kitchen

The ongoing theme of House Construction is ... ongoing. Oh, and my camera had some sort of accident and is currently refusing to take nice pictures.

BUT - I have railings. Yay, no longer any fear of falling from the walkway on our 2nd floor!
Second Floor walkway (with railings!)
I also have... drum roll please... Kitchen counter! Wall tiles, Floor tiles!
Even a sink!
All this work is hand done. All stones are cut to size and shaped by hand - at my house.
Here is our outside. Not looking so good. We sent our vehicle to another state to bring back the workers who do the outside; apparently they went for Diwali vacation and have not yet returned...
We are planning our house opening on December 3rd. We'll move in after that. Please keep us and the remaining work in prayer. We still need doors and windows.


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    ohhhh....ahhhh, honey! it's looking beautiful!

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    it does look beautiful
