Monday, November 24, 2008

Tired And Somewhat Stressed

I really think the Lord wanted me to rest last week. I did rest, more than I usually do. But I was just soooo tired. I still am. It doesn't matter how much I sleep, I'm tired. I think it might be the medication, the one for the contractions and then 3 after the abscess operation. They all end tonight, thank goodness. Hopefully, I'll feel more energetic tomorrow.

The Grand House opening is in less than 10 days. The house is almost ready. Once we get some of those main doors on there we can move in. Of course, everyone is coming to be paid nowadays, which is starting to really stress me out. Well, mostly I let O. handle that, but it trickles over to me, too.

Something else that is really stressing me out is my broken washing machine and the repairman who tells me he is on his way, every time I call him. I wish he would just declare the machine officially dead so I can focus on attempting to get a new one and move on with my life.

It's 6:35 PM , I'm gonna call him again now (he's stopped answering my calls around 4:00...)

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