Well, the computer seems to be working better. However, the internet is incredibly slow. And we're all really busy. So posts may be short and infrequent for a while.
We DID have our BIG Christmas Program on December 22nd. Several thousand people came and all went smoothly. Thanks for your prayers. Our ladies ministry did a variation on the Lifehouse "Everything Skit." (If you don't know what this is - well, I'd be surprised, ask anybody.)
We praise God that it was a very powerful tool for Christians and non-believers alike.
We had another Christmas program last night that was put together by all the churches in our city. It was smaller and nice (OK, mostly boring) but it was nice to join together with all the Christians in our city and celebrate the Lord's Birth.
Tonight is Christmas Eve. The big gift exchange program in church. Then Christmas tomorrow. Only two programs planned for then.
There is some unity rally planned for Dec. 26th. I'm not even asking.
VBS starts on Dec. 30th and our team of ten from the USA come on that day.
I'll breath again after January 9th. Then it's all about FOCUS on the birth of the baby.
You better start breathing before Jan 9th! You don't want your daddy showing up on your doorstep w/you all pale and worn out! Praying you through these next few weeks!