Sunday, December 07, 2008

New Addition

We got a new baby in our family on December 4th. Hence, why all blog info has stopped for several days. After a long day (and night) at the house opening I decided everyone was taking Thursday off and sleeping in.
This worked until 4:11 AM when I got a phone call that Martha was truly in labor. So, we were all at the hospital by 5AM.

We got us another baby girl in our family at 11:45AM. It was a normal (read - non-caesarean) delivery. Which is HUGE. It is the first time in 9 years in this city that I have ever seen a child born in a private hospital delivered non-cesarean. A Great Big answer to prayer. I had even prayed that the Doctor wouldn't even mention caesarean - and she didn't. Normal from start to finish.

Martha and baby came home from the hospital tonight - which is a big relief because in India you have to provide all your own food for patients and since O. left yesterday morning to Rajasthan with our car, it was mighty difficult for me to get food, etc. back and forth to the hospital. Anyway. All is good.

No name yet for baby, but she was born with really long fingernails - she gets them from me - and I thought it very cool of her to use them to scratch her parents' initials on her cheek the first day. M. A. (Martha, Amar).

Me with E. and G. after a long but productive night. (Martha's Doctor is also my Doctor so I keep getting instructed to lay down, take a rest, go home. At one point my Doctor was sending messages up to me via visitors to the hospital. "Uh, your Doctor says you're supposed to be resting."


  1. Congratulations on the new baby in the family!!! Another girl. Wow! And Reb, I love seeing pictures of you in your blog. You are as beautiful as ever. Do you know what you are having yet?

  2. No. It's illegal to find out the sex of your baby in India. Too much female Infanticide.
