Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Last - Uhh - Month

I am still around, my computer seems to be working again. I just tend to sleep or organize or cook nowadays when I have nothing else to do.

It's been an intense time since November. Getting the house ready to move in, the house opening, moving, CHRISTMAS, VBS, New Year's and a team from the USA. Not to mention I am a mother of 3 young children and 8 months pregnant*. Whew.

However, I've had a great time and wouldn't have it any other way. I'll sleep when I'm dead. You can put that on my tombstone.

* For those wondering, I am due on Feb 15.

**I promise - pictures, lots of them. Soon.

1 comment:

  1. hey beck - glad to see you back in the blogging world. Thinking of you often as you enter this last month of "fun" :) I'll be checking in for those pictures you promised! Beth and Chris Smith
