Monday, February 23, 2009

8 Days Over

Today I am officially 8 days over my due date. Still feel pretty good except that from after lunch onwards I generally have a lot of uncomfortable pressure.

It's hard to make plans for day to day in this state. I find myself asking questions like, "If you went into labor tonight, would your laundry be clean?" It gives me kind of odd flashbacks to the old faithful Gospel question, "If you were to die tonight, where would you spend eternity?" Interesting sermon illustration...

I'm actually kind of hoping to hold out for a few more days now since a large portion of our staff is away til Thursday at a conference. These people are my family here and I want them around when I have the baby!

O. thinks I'm weird for feeling that way. Well, me being weird is a given but I'm also very pregnant (read - emotional), uncomfortable (read - I want what I want) and I want everybody here when I have this baby for goodness sake.

I suspect you women out there are thinking that this is not weird at all. We all know men are the weird ones.

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