Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Might Just Get My Wish

I've been getting stronger and more frequent contractions since about 11AM. This baby may actually make an appearance in the month of February!

We had fasting prayer from 11 - 3PM and I contracted through that. Came home, threw my dirty clothes in the wash, changed my bedsheets and ate some lunch. I just finished cutting my nails (again) and am contemplating bathing after alerting everyone in cyberspace.

Friday, February 27, 2009

One Day Left

There is only one day left in the month of February. This is weird, thinking you will have a child born in one month and then - you don't. Well, like I said, one day left. Ha! I'm not holding my breath (I shouldn't anyway - bad for the baby.)

Well, both O. and G. are born in the 1st half of March - maybe we'll just have triple b-day parties from here on out.

The weird thing is, I don't really know if I am really over my date or not. I had a strange episode of bleeding in the month of June which I thought was a period but was unusually long. My original due date was March 15 according to that. However, when I had my ultrasound it came back as February 15 and the doctor said there just can't be that much difference. My placenta was low which caused bleeding although I was already pregnant. This created some date problems because I now had to remember the 1st day of my LP from like 3 months previously. Uhhhh. Eventually, the doctor came up with Feb 26 as the date.

I've always stuck with the ultrasound date because it seemed the most reliable and both E. and C. were born one day after their dates.

So, now what do I do? Do I induce? Do I wait some more? ... It's very boring never knowing what tomorrow may hold.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I have been thinking about a Slumdog Millionare (or Slumdog Crorepati as it's called over here in India) post for a while. Since it did so well at the Oscars last night and since I have nothing else to do today but wait to have a baby and do stuff on the computer, I'm going to write my thoughts.

I saw it about a month ago with O. It took me a couple days to get over it. I was really glad I didn't take my kids, although the theater was packed and loads of small children were there. (What were their parents thinking?) I saw it with Hindi dubbing, which was nice although I was a little bewildered as to how they made it in English. I'll have to watch the original one day.

I have heard that the director said the monie was a celebration of Bombay - or something like that. That's just weird, no it's not. That be like filming the large rats in the alleyways of Philadelphia, making a film from it and saying it's a celebration of Philadelphia.

No, I'd say the film was a celebration of love. Everything that drove the main character was done for love, that's international, that's what touched people. Celebration of Bombay - bah.

This is kind of funny. After the film was released in India (January 23rd) there was a big bruhaha kicked off by a major Bollywood actor. The same man who is featured - but not shown - in the film when the young main character jumped in poo to get his photo autographed. Anyway, he was upset that India was becoming famous because of a film that reveals the worst of Indian society. Then there were protests, people in the slums holding signs that said "We're not dogs!" Give me a break. Someone is behind these people instigating them on, they have to make a big deal about everything over here.

Update Baby Quiz

Since there is no money riding on the results of the Baby Quiz (ha, hahahah, ha ha) feel free to change your date if the day has already passed. Those who voted later were obviously at an advantage, esp. since this child appears to be waiting til 2010 to make an appearance.

8 Days Over

Today I am officially 8 days over my due date. Still feel pretty good except that from after lunch onwards I generally have a lot of uncomfortable pressure.

It's hard to make plans for day to day in this state. I find myself asking questions like, "If you went into labor tonight, would your laundry be clean?" It gives me kind of odd flashbacks to the old faithful Gospel question, "If you were to die tonight, where would you spend eternity?" Interesting sermon illustration...

I'm actually kind of hoping to hold out for a few more days now since a large portion of our staff is away til Thursday at a conference. These people are my family here and I want them around when I have the baby!

O. thinks I'm weird for feeling that way. Well, me being weird is a given but I'm also very pregnant (read - emotional), uncomfortable (read - I want what I want) and I want everybody here when I have this baby for goodness sake.

I suspect you women out there are thinking that this is not weird at all. We all know men are the weird ones.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baby Quiz

I've been thinking about a Baby Quiz for a while and since I'm 3 days overdue - let's just do it.

Answer the following questions and we'll see who wins. It will be announced here on the blog after the baby is born - of course.

Pertinent facts. My due date was Feb 15. On Feb 17 at my check up the doctor said it could be another week - even up to March 1...

In the comments section answer the following:

1. Date of birth:
2. Time of birth with AM/PM (this will be judged Indian Std Time = i.e. what time it was in India when the child was born.)
3. Boy or Girl
4. Weight: (In Kg or lbs, it will be converted accordingly)

Don't forget to add your own name.

Coming And Going

My due date has come and gone and it seems as if the whole world is in waiting mode. Well maybe not the whole world, but my whole world.

Since the weekend if I am seen going anywhere a flurry of phone calls starts and everyone is asking if I've been admitted in the hospital yet. (Even my husband- yes, even him)

You think I'm exaggerating?

I went for my regular checkup at the Dr./hospital yesterday and the nurse told me that someone had come in over the weekend and asked what room I'd been admitted in and informed them (my hospital and Doctor) that I had already delivered. News to them (and me...)

It's not just over here in India but my mom informed me that her hairdresser and post office guy in the US are on pins and needles waiting for news.

Weird. Maybe this is what happens after 3 of the same sex children. Will it be a BOY this time?????????

Monday, February 16, 2009

No Baby Yet

I think the worst thing about waiting to have a baby is that once you get everything ready and then the baby doesn't come, you have to start all over again.

Back to washing clothes and shopping for me.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday The 13th And Valentine's Day

I didn't even notice yesterday was Friday the 13th. However, today is Valentine's Day. The first V-day that O. and I have been together in 5 years or so. He always seems to be out of town or out of country - or I am.

This year, since I'm due tomorrow, he didn't go anywhere. However, we're not doing anything special today - since I'm due tomorrow.

I did start with some pressure and tummy tightening since last night. This could mean I will deliver in the next day or so. No pain yet. I'm just spending today getting my house in order. Finishing those last little tasks that I've put off.

Cutting my fingernails is next on the list.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bored And In A Bad Mood

Oh, I am definitely at the end of the pregnancy now. I've hit the - there is NOTHING I feel like doing and bad mood - stage. I just wanna hang around in my jammies, which is what I do mostly.

I do go out in the mornings and teach in the Bible College, check the Stationary Store and shop to keep the household up to date on stock (so I don't have to worry about O. having to do it while I'm in the hospital*.)

I come home, feed everyone lunch, wash/dry clothes, clean up and then rest. By 5PM I'm up and I don't feel like going anywhere because then I'd have to actually put on clothes, yet, the thought of the entire evening and night with nothing to do is almost worse the the thought of clothes.

Then I found out today there is a problem with our Stationary Store bank account that I'll have to wait til tomorrow to fix, and a friend of mine is annoying me by appearing to be annoyed with me. Who's not annoying me these days?...

*This sounds like a nice thing to do for one's husband, mostly I'm just worried about him buying stuff we don't need or buying overpriced things... See, I really am grouchy.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Girl Pictures - All Of Us

I have been guaranteed by, well, just numerous people that I am having a son this time. (I kind of want to have a girl just to prove them all wrong - Psssth. Anyway, this may be my last chance for all girl shots.

Girl Pictures.

Girl Pictures - G

G. in papa's village.
Rajasthani baby (with earrings)
She's Queen of the Ring Pop Worllldddd.

Girl Pictures - C

Superstar C
Looking out
What a smile.

Girl Pictures - E

I've been wanting to get some pictures of my girls up on the blog. Since I'm now at home with basically nothing to do (I've already colored the gray in my hair and washed all the clothes - you know the important stuff to do before you have a baby) I figured I may as well get the pictures up.

Poor E. She's 8 and just in that bad stage of large teeth coming in and other non-cute things and she doesn't get the photo press that her younger sisters are getting. Well, it happens to the best of us. However, here are a few E. pictures from last month.
In school uniform. (Hair needs work.)

She's very good at dance and performed all the action songs with the "big" girls during our VBSes.

Doctor Out Of Town

Yesterday I went to the Dr. for a regular check up because I am nearing my due date. After arriving at the hospital I found out she's out of town. Won't be in the office til Monday.

Hopefully I won't go into labor before then.

Friday, February 06, 2009


I have a few minutes to update my blog but I cannot think of a single thing to write. After all the blogging in my head over the last week you'd think there would be something.