Monday, March 23, 2009

Of Two Blogs

I've been skimming through the past several years of my blog because I have been allotted the task of making the "History" of our ministry to be read at our Bible College Graduation this weekend. It's a history of what God has done since 1999 when our ministry started. But I don't always remember everything and I definitely don't always remember when something happened.

Anyway, all that to say, my blog used to be a lot more interesting than it currently is. Sad.

I'm going to blame this on being the mother of (not only) four children, but being the mother of two children under the age of two.

Yes, I do realise that my blog has definitely become "The Mother Blog." Hummm.

This brings me to my point of me considering keeping this blog as it is and then also starting a separate ministry blog. Considering. Considering...


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Okay...I'm going to say something you already know. >:o Mothering four children IS A MINISTRY! I know you mean "the other ministry" as FCM. You are balancing a couple of acts there, honey! Wearing quite a few hats; ministering in quite a few ministries. Is it feasible to delegate a volunteer as an administrative assistant to do the FCM ministry blog? You are certainly the best person to continue blogging it; maybe it's something you could come back to after a time though, when you have a little more time(just a little more time: as the children get older,they need you in a different way; their need for you never stops!) Alright, I'm off my soapbox. I love your blogs. Ministry, Family, Monkeys, Spiders, etc. Like you said, there needs to be an archive of the FCM ministry. Any takers out there?

  2. Yeah, I think your blog has gotten Quite Boring, too. I mean, the stories about neighbors viciously beating your congregants and how O has to get out there on his birthday and break up fist fights and bring in the authorities to try to sort it out even though you are Christians and even the authorities are against you... YAWN.

  3. Okay, we did have someone who started a ministry blog but they no longer work for us and it's fine because the blog was crappy and I never would have let anyone know about it anyway, b/c I found it embarrassing.

    I don't really have that much to do these days, I'm trying to be happy and content in this period of rest in my life. I call it "Rebecca's Life of Leasure."

    I'm just so much happier (and generally more productive) when I'm busy...
