Friday, May 29, 2009

2009 O. Family Photos

Our Not-So-Little- family. And we're all looking at the camera! Even P.!
O. and his girls. I love this shot because it somehow captures O.'s inner feelings thru his nervous posture. His pose say to me: "Four daughters, this may be just too much for me."
The four girls together. Even G. smiled for this one. C. looks like a million bucks in every shot and E., well, E. is 8, we can't blame her. P., God bless her, what an angel.
(from L to R with ages: G. - 2, E. - 8, P. - 3 months, C. - 6)

1 comment:

  1. Dawn Hoke(Mailahn)8:56 AM

    Beautiful Family and Beautiful Girls!!! I have 4 really nice boys their age you can hook them up with later - =)
