Friday, May 29, 2009

P.'s Passport Photo

She's just too much. WHERE did she get those funny ears?

We have an appointment with the US consulate in Bombay on Wednesday, June 3rd for P.'s "report of Birth" and Passport and SS#. A lot of paperwork and documentation. I can't complain about it too much because O. initially insisted that P. be born in the US to avoid all this. I won out on her birthplace but I hear the "I told you sos" if I mention the headache all this paperwork is.

Let's pray it all goes smoothly next week!

2009 O. Family Photos

Our Not-So-Little- family. And we're all looking at the camera! Even P.!
O. and his girls. I love this shot because it somehow captures O.'s inner feelings thru his nervous posture. His pose say to me: "Four daughters, this may be just too much for me."
The four girls together. Even G. smiled for this one. C. looks like a million bucks in every shot and E., well, E. is 8, we can't blame her. P., God bless her, what an angel.
(from L to R with ages: G. - 2, E. - 8, P. - 3 months, C. - 6)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

10 To 2

I have so much work on the computer lately that I've found over the last few days that working from 10PM to 2AM is the most effective time to get anything done.

Not being a night person, this is not like me, but with four small children and a busy life, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm hoping by Saturday I'll be mainly on top of everything and in bed at a normal hour.

Things I'm working on:
-Village pastor updates to supporters (mostly done)
-ministry newsletter (getting sent to the main office today, God willing)
-P.'s passport and birth certificate paperwork - what a bear! I actually have to account for every single time I've entered and exited the US my entire life. Twice!!
-General prep things for going to US and church updates
-Bible College reopens in June with new students
-All ministerial budgeting (this is O.'s current work, which means I type)
- the making of two DVDs

That's all I can think of, pretty good for someone whose barely sleeping!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Beautiful Baby

Do they get any more beautiful than this?
Oh, maybe they do!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

We're Coming To The USA This Summer!

One of the things I DID get done this week was book our tickets to the USA this summer.

We will be in the US from:

July 17 to September 24, 2009

We'd love to see all of you so contact us by email asap to set up a date!

More on this in the coming days.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Why NOT To Look Things Up On The Internet

I did eventually look up Typhoid on the Internet. I somehow came across a section of firsthand accounts. It kind of made me nervous when the first one referred to the person getting Typhoid in 1974 and still suffering occasionally. I started reading about relapses and not having full energy from anywhere in the vicinity of 2 months to 2 years ; I quickly decided NOT to read on.

I have one more day of medication and then on Tuesday I return to the doctor again for a checkup. I still wake up with headaches and as of the last 2 days my energy level has increased but I'm still trying to take it easy.

Hence, this is why my computer work is not getting done (see next post). My mornings are already full between breakfast & lunch preparation, taking care of children and teaching the children. By after lunch it's nap time for my 2 youngest and it would be an ideal time for me to get work on my computer done. Alas, nap time for girls generally turns into nap time for mom these days and I am supposed to be resting.

That may be why I am here at midnight tying to get some things done...

What I've Been Up To

This summer vacation hasn't been much of a vacation for me at all. In fact, I've had more work than ever.

After Phoebe got married all the cooking work fell solely on me (altho my nieces do help.) Plus the addition of 6 extra children and no school. Well, it's just one more week and then O, I, and the girls head to Bombay from June 1st to the 5th to get P.'s passport and American birth certificate, etc. We'll take a little vacation there, plus it will be nice to not have to cook all the time.

On June 5th in the evening we have a guest coming from the US who will be with us til after church on Sunday the 7th and then on Monday the 8th - school reopens! Yay yay yay!!!

In this last week I am going to attempt to finally get out village pastor updates to supporters and write a newsletter. Not a ton of work, but it's backed up on me and I'd really like to get it done. One more week.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Questions And Answers

First I will attempt to answer the most asked question during the whole Typhoid ordeal.

Did I/How did I feed baby P.?

Yes, I nursed P. the entire time. The Dr. actually told me to keep her with me. I struggled more while in the hospital because I had a horrible IV needle in my wrist and my right hand was out of commission. THANKFULLY, I have a wonderful niece, Sumitra, who stayed with me the entire time in the hospital and did everything for P. All I had to to was lay down and nurse. P. was a trooper.

Apparently, Typhoid is not contagious or transmittable through breast milk.

I continue to suffer from symptoms of my illness, namely headaches when I wake up from sleeping and dizziness, not to mention the tiredness. I really am attempting to rest. Unfortunately, my work is backing up.

On the restful side, E. & C. went to Bombay on Monday and will come home tomorrow. So, it's been somewhat quieter around the house the last few days. I'm glad they're coming home soon, I miss them.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Typhoid Story

As you know we were afflicted with a nasty virus last week in the O. household. By last Friday I started with the headache and then in the middle of the night the vomiting started. Ewww. So it was that E. and I spent all Saturday and Sunday in bed with unpleasant symptoms. Green vomiting, throbbing head, dizziness, etc...

By Monday morning I could actually get out of bed and made it to the doctor. She had me go for a blood test and urine test (that took a while since I was dehydrated and I nurse AND I spilled the first vial down the toilet.)

Finally, I was back in the doctor's office with the reports.

Dr.: Ohhh! (dramatic pause) You have Typhoid. And it's + 2!

Me: Well, I do feel really bad.

Dr.: And Hepatitis. +1!

Me.: Huh.

Dr.: Oh, this is strange, do you have any Diabetes in your family?

Well, three was enough for me. I got admitted for three days and after subsequent blood tests was cleared of the Diabetes (I hadn't eaten for many days) and the Hepatitis was just "on the way", not fully developed.

I had constant IV drips of meds in my hand for 3 days, it was painful and uncomfortable and my hand is still quite swollen, but at least, somewhat useful again.

I am on bed rest and meds at home and go back for a check up on Tuesday. I feel pretty weak and still kind of headachy. I think I got the same virus as everyone else and that wore down my immunities so that the Typhoid could jump on and have its evil way with me. It was just waiting in the wings somewhere in my body for a chance to attack. Kind of like in a horror movie.(This is my medical opinion. Loads of people have had this virus and I'm the only one with Typhoid.)

Thanks to all who prayed and wrote. Keep praying.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

# 5 Was Me

I was admitted in the hospital with Typhoid. Got home today. I'll tell you all about it later.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

One Up, Three Down

As of yesterday G. was feeling much better, Praise the Lord.

As of last night two more kids went down, P. and my 14 year old niece, Kusha. This morning E. got it. Apparently It consists of fever and severe headache, sometimes vomiting. We're not sure what P. has but she's been in obvious pain since last night and has been crying hard and lots for no reason. Possibly, her little head hurts too. I took her to the Dr. today who assured me it was colic and gave me some drops.

Six children (not mentioning adults) remain unscathed in the household. Let's pray we remain that way...

Monday, May 04, 2009

Hard Knock Life For Me

Not really, but my house is full of little children. Ten children to be precise. O. is away since like forever (who would blame him?) It all wasn't much of a trial til G. got sick. She's two. She has a fever, she feels lousy. Oh dear.

A two year old and a 2 month old together was already plenty.

G. just woke up, cried and smacked herself in the head. I think it hurts.

Friday, May 01, 2009

My HOT Post

Every summer I post that everyone has gone home on vacation and I’m lonely, likewise I generally post about how stinkin’ HOT it is. So here it is people.

It’s hot, every year, and every year I will let you know just how hot it is.

A couple days ago I was in the car around 4:30 in the afternoon and it was so hot that it felt cooler (Ha!) to sit in the car with the windows UP than to have the heated air blowing in on me from outside.

It’s so hot that when I go outside in the daylight my skin cracks and peels right off my face. OK, not really but it feels like it will.

It’s hot, I don’t know how hot ‘cause I don’t understand that centigrade stuff, but it’s hot. Real hot. India hot.

By the way, Happy May Day to those who care.