Monday, August 31, 2009

Back At Mom And Dad's

We had maybe the best two weeks at the shore EVER. Beautiful weather, perfect ocean and I mean - perfect ocean, so much fun time with family. *

And now here it is, almost September and in 24 days we'll be heading back to India.

We had four speaking/sharing opportunities while on vacation and one yesterday as well. This week is booked with a few more and a doctor's appointment. Deep breath.

E. and C. still have lots of chapters in all their school subjects to complete before we go back to India and I have to teach E. long division. 'nuf said.

1 comment:

  1. ouch on that long division. i thought i was challenged by trying to get hudson to stop saying "liar liar pants on fire". He heard someone at church say it, and he says he likes it because it rhymes. good luck! :)
