Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Days

We returned last night from a ten day tour of three states. I was trying to think of an adjective to use in front of "ten day tour" but finally gave up.


I couldn't really settle on one that could describe the experience in a nutshell. It was all those things and much more. We were four families (9 children) all together and a few other stragglers who set out last Tuesday to visit various areas of ministry in the North Indian states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Our families (and especially our children) are very close so it was great to travel and minister together. We stopped along the way and visited with believers from our church, pastors who work under our ministry and old friends that we haven't see in ten years.

O. is still in Rajasthan with the menfolk working out some property issues. He should be back tomorrow. I'll be writing more along with pictures later. But we're back...

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