Saturday, October 10, 2009

Starting My Tour

Whenever we go anywhere for visiting our pastors or speaking engagements or whatever, they always refer to it as a "tour," which I find amusing. But that is what I am doing starting Monday. O. has a conference for several days in Hyderbad, Andhra Pradesh and I'm going with him. Not for the conference, but to visit our pastors who work south of there near Vijaywada. It will mean two long days on the train getting there and back, but I think P. and I are up to it.

I'll be visiting two pastors while I'm there and seeing their work. Encouraging them and speaking. Please pray.

This is especially exciting for me because it is part of what I've been wanting to do for a long time. I'd like to get out and travel to our pastor's places at least 3-4 times a year. I've been praying about it for a while and I'm excited to get started on this new aspect of ministry.

1 comment:

  1. That's really exciting! We'll be praying for you guys!
