Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Testimony From Pastor Madhu's Church

During the program at Pastor Madhu's church a woman gave her personal testimony, she was baptized later that day.* When Pastor Madhu planted this church over a year ago this woman was his enemy. She was outspoken against the work of the Lord and often confronted Pastor Madhu in public. In one such meeting Pastor Madhu was led by the Lord to say that she would soon be attending his church.

That week Pastor Madhu prayed and fasted for 3 days for this woman. On Sunday she came weeping to his church. She fell at his feet and cried. As he had been praying that morning the Lord revealed to him that the woman had HIV. As she wept he said I know your problem, you have HIV. The woman was amazed, it was true. Madhu was led by the Lord to tell the woman to fast and pray for seven days. The following Sunday the woman came and her face was shining. She had prayed and fasted and returned to the doctor. She was re-tested and there was no evidence of HIV.

She started to attend church regularly. She accepted the Lord as her savior. Around Easter time she wanted to be baptized. Pastor Madhu asked her to wait and grow in the Lord first. Last Wednesday I had the privilege of baptizing her in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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