Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Slips By Me Again

Here it is Thanksgiving night and I just remembered what day it is. Yet, I am thankful thankful thankful - even with no turkey, no stuffing and no pies. We had chicken biriyani for dinner and a longtime friend whom we haven't seen in many years turned up.

I'm thankful daily that I have a roof over my head and that we own our own home and no one can ever come and kick us out. I'm happy I have food to eat and to feed others everyday. My pantry is full. I'm thankful for healthy children and husband and self! I'm thankful that I suffer no physical pain, that I can walk and see and hear and speak. I'm thankful that I know how to read. I'm thankful for my computer and the Internet. ;)

I'm thankful most of all and always that I know the Truth and He is Jesus Christ my Savior.

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