We organized a competition for our Bible Students that consisted of 2 skits and 2 dances. The performances were tonight. The boys and girls were split into 4 groups, girls with girls and boys with boys. Each set had one dance and one skit to perform. The boy's skit group came in first.
The reason I write all this (sadly I forgot my camera) is to describe the performance of Mary. Since the boys could only make a Christmas skit (any skit - but the theme had to be Christmas) they had to have a boy play Mary. This kid, his name is Vijay, was the best Mary I have ever seen. Every actor in the skit was as serious as could be and I felt bad, but I couldn't help bursting out laughing few times. Mary actually gave birth to baby Jesus with sound effects.
Well, they won and they deserved it. They get to perform it in our big Christmas program on December 22nd and they get prizes on Dec. 24th!!
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