Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back From Bombay

By the time I got back from Bombay my girls were in the midst of school exams, so there has been lots of studying for things like Math, and English and Social Studies. I send them to someone else to study for Hindi. Not much time for blogging or computer in general.

I was also annoyed for the last few days, I think going away from home does that to me. I was only gone for 1 1/2 days but little things get changed. Our wheat ran out and someone bought the wrong kind to replace it and it was old and yucky. E.'s school uniform shirt turned up missing and I still haven't found it... Little things like that throw off my balance, but other than that the trip was a blessing.

The only negative thing was the feast P. and I gave to the mosquitoes all Tuesday night, they kept us awake. Unpleasant. Getting home tired probably didn't improve my mood.

My talks did go well, I think. I had two sessions with women in the afternoon and then I was the special speaker at a church's 10th anniversary. In addition to speaking, I think I prayed individually for about 150 people. Not Kidding. My favorite prayer request was a lady who came forward with two small, grungy looking children and said (as her prayer request), "They bug me all the time." I said, tell me about it, I've got four!

All in all, a good time. I did get a call from the pastor's wife last night saying that her husband had been suffering for three days with chest pain due to high BP and to please pray. His name is Dennis.

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