Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mintu in Assam

While all the information is coming in about the attacks on our Christian brothers and sisters in Rajasthan, I got another phone call from the Northeast corner of India, Assam. Mintu, a recent graduate of our Bible College, is church planting in the state of Assam. Since June, he's already planted a church and trained someone to care for it and is in the process of planting another. He's full of zeal for the Lord, yet often discouraged. He's alone in the work, unmarried and without a partner in ministry.

Last month he called me and told me he was getting married. Good news! But the road ahead of him is still very hard. Last night he called and said that 2 days earlier there had been a terrorist attack and a bomb had exploded right in front of him. Two people were killed before his eyes.

The terrorist attacks in the state of Assam have become so frequent that people do not even go out of their homes after 6PM. He asked for prayer and shared his struggles in sharing the Gospel and planting churches in such a violent environment. Please pray for him.

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