Sunday, April 11, 2010

Our Bible Students' Last Week

It just kind of hit me that our Bible students will all be going home for summer vacation this week. Tomorrow is the last exam and a few days after that they are free to go home.

I've spent the last couple days taking individual exit interviews with all of the students and it has been enlightening. There was so much about our students that I didn't know. One of the main questions I asked them was whether they were coming back to complete their 2nd/last year in June. Most are planning come back, only one was a definite No due to her poor health over the last year.

Some students were reluctant to come back because they are penniless and couldn't afford the nominal fees Yeah, I can solve that problem, it's nice when you're the one in charge. Other students (girls) were unsure whether they could come back because they were afraid their families might force them to marry when they go home and not allow them to come back. I spent some time on the phone to family members assuring them that we will take the responsibility of finding husbands for their girls. Another problem solved.

These are some of the things we face and its been a pleasure and a joy to be a part of these 25 students' lives since July. I'm going to miss them.

Today was their last day in church and they sang a special song and 5 students gave testimonies.

Some fun facts about our Bible students:
1. We have two Romeos, one Monalisa, and a Gandhi
2. One of our Romeos became a Christian and was baptized after attending our Bible College. He didn't even know where he was going when he got on the train from the Northeastern state of Assam to come all the way over to us.

1 comment:

  1. What a precious group of young people! Praying that they all return! And quite possibly the ladies could bring those "husbands-to-be" with them in July and be even more equally yoked in ministry!
