Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bug In My Ear

I laid down on my bed last night and heard this weird squeaking in my ear. At first I thought it was the pillow, but then I could feel something moving - inside my head.

It was weird, somewhat uncomfortable and just plain icky.

I finally put some cooking oil in my ear, let it soak in and then turned my ear outward toward a towel on a pillow and watched the end of Memoirs of a Geisha (hey not much on at 1:30AM - esp. when you only have about 10 English channels...)

The fluttering eventually stopped and I went to bed. I guess the bug may still be in there - as long as he's not moving, I'm happy.

1 comment:

  1. My E. woke up from a nap one day saying "bird ear." Now you have me wondering if there was something really in there. Yuck!
