Monday, November 08, 2010

The Circus Is In Town

We all went to the Indian Circus last night. I tell you, you get a good three hours of weirdness for your $2 bucks.

  • Really flexible people, they do some incredible stuff
  • Climbing people: they climb Anything and swing by hands, feet and teeth. No safety ropes!


  • Regurgitating Man. Drinks massive amounts of water and regurgitates them. It's really nasty when he swallows fish and regurgitates them too. (At least 1 of the 4 came back up...) Yeah, I wanted to hurl.
  • Elephants. (He needed a pair of underpants or a wife or something...)


  1. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Bec, the elephant comment got me laughing...telling it like it is......SAS

  2. April3:11 PM

    Oh man, yeah the regurgitating lady at the circus here did the fish thing too (all came back up)and I was thinking the same thing. Pushing the limits of bizarre for me and I was really happy I hadn't eaten anything!
