Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Came To The End Of Myself

There came a point on Tuesday when I reached the end of myself. Have you ever been there? That place where going forward is just not possible and the only direction you know where to go is Back.

You think about going Back. You comfort yourself with the idea of Back.

Then somewhere along the way some dear friend sends you an email and snuggled within it is this nugget:

So when we get to the end of ourselves, he will move.

So when we get to the end of ourselves, he will move.

So when we get to the end of ourselves, he will move.

So when we get to the end of ourselves, he will move.

Man, I held on to that promise on Tuesday. I thought of nothing else. I even stopped thinking about Back. I just told Him, "Here I am at the end. There is nowhere for me to go from here."

That's when he did a miracle. In front of my eyes a heart was changed, transformed. A set mind was turned. And I knew, I knew, there was a hand holding on to me and leading me forward.

He showed me, I didn't need to go Back, He was going to take me forward.

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