Thursday, December 09, 2010

Nat's Going Home

My dear niece Natalie will be heading back to the US tomorrow night and we are down to our last day with her in our home.
It has been such a huge blessing to have her here and part of our (Indian) family for the last several months. It is going to be sad and strange around here without her.

I am thankful for the months God gave me with her and the connection she is for me to my Arizona family. I am privileged to see the beautiful work that God has been doing in her life over the last months. And I am excited to see what He is going to do in her future. It is going to be wonderful.

Goodbye sweet Nat, (Map Didi), we're going to miss you so much.

I am so proud of you.


  1. Really we miss her how the last three months passed, it was too fast and hard. O LORD take care of our little Angel.

  2. WE MISS U NAT.................
    U are in our prayer everyday

  3. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Prayers are with you all. Love,Steph
