Saturday, January 23, 2010

O. And Team Back At Home At Last

Everyone got home from Rajasthan about an hour ago. It was a long wait for them today.

As they ate food (gobbled it up really) they were recounting the numerous ways God moved in miraculous ways. We just talked about the hundreds (I said no thousands) of people who prayed.

I cannot tell you how many responses I got from people saying that they - and their whole church - are praying. Praise the Lord. The amount of prayers prayed in regards to the situation this past week is uncountable and awe inspiring to me.


  1. I am so glad that everyone is home and safe! What an answer to prayer.

  2. Rebecca ~ We will keep praying that these men are held accountable, that the injured are healed and that the witnesses are saved.

    Peace & Blessings to you all.

    Your CBC family in Pennsauken NJ
