Monday, January 25, 2010

Travelin' To Speak Tomorrow

I'm booked for two speaking engagements tomorrow near Mumbai (Bombay). I'll drive (be driven) there early tomorrow morning.

The first is from 2-5PM among the women in friends of ours' church. The 2nd meeting is a church opening and I don't know them. I just happened to be in the area due to the Women's Meeting and was utilized.

I'll be speaking on "Walking in the Light" for the women's gathering and on 2 Samuel 24:24 for the church opening. Pray for me if you remember.

O. will be home with the three girls. He relishes the chance to play Mr. Mom.*

*One day out of 366

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am over here from Coffegirl. Have a ton of fun at your speaking engagements. It is great to hear of another woman out there going for it. Blessings!
