Saturday, May 15, 2010

Goa Vacation Album 2010

Some random pictures from our Goa vacation last week:
O. with sick baby P. She was sick 6 out of the 7 days. O. also suffered from a bad backache the whole time.

G. who finally got over her fear of the water!
Beach Beauty C.

Mango Season!!
Watch out - it's a neked baby and she's Sandy!
Getting a pedicure - on the beach!
Fun in the sand.
Yes, we ate and ate.
Beach baby (before getting sick)
It was way WAY HOT!
Swimming - what more could we want. E. & C. had a great time in the ocean, pools, water park...
Check out the belly on the guy in the background - Yikes!
Even with a sick baby and an aching husband, we had a great time. It was a little hotter than we would have liked but we survived. I drove my scooter all over North Goa and only dropped G. out of it once when I turned too slowly. :) Baby P. is on the mend and sadly, O. is feeling worse... Pray.

1 comment:

  1. Praying that everyone is fine and on the mend from any illness'. Great photos, Peace and God Bless

    Missy <3
