Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Gospel Tour" 2010

A Gospel Tour is what they call it here in India when a whole bunch of people take to the road and preach, sing, evangelize, whatever - usually takes place during vacation times.

Tomorrow we will pack up three vehicles after church and head 3 hours south of us for a 3 day conference where O. and I will be speaking and our team will be singing and dancing for the Lord. On May 19th we are home for a day (lots of washing) and then on the 20th we head to the state of Rajasthan to do the same thing but with a focus for youth and a wedding thrown in. We'll be back around May 26th I guess...

Please keep us in prayer. It's a great time to share the Gospel and encourage believers in their faith.

Onkar is suffering from the first really bad back pain of his life and could really use your prayers. He told me today that God was using it to slow him down so he could prepare more for these upcoming meetings. You go O!

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