The thought of a camera at a funeral in the US today is absurd (unless the deceased is, of course, a celebrity.) However, I guess it was normal in earlier times. In India, taking pictures of the dead is the norm. (There will be no pictures of dead people in this post.)
O. wanted the camera at the funeral yesterday. I don't pick fights over things like that, I just said I wouldn't be the one taking the pictures. He gave the camera to Praveen and he snapped pictures for hours (he hates funerals anyway.)
Hence, I have a pictorial post of the funeral. My Internet has decided not to load anymore pictures today, so we're starting and ending at The End. I'll try to get up the rest of the pictures tomorrow. And, as usual for my pictorial posts, the photos are NOT in chronological order. Blogger picture loading hates me.
This is taken at the grave site after the coffin was lowered into the ground and covered over with dirt. Last prayer.
The End.
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