Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gone For The Weekend

I have a busy weekend in front of me. I leave today to visit my friend Kat in Maryland. We have an event on Saturday where I will help to sell some stuff, looking forward to it. But before that we'll be going to the Tut Exhibit at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. She's a 7th grade teacher and has a field trip on Friday, so I get to tag along. I think I have to chaperon six 7th graders but - small price to pay, I say.

Kat and I are both Archaeology majors and have actually seen the exhibit in Cairo, but I bet it'll be set up a lot cooler over here. Needless to say, we're excited.

I'll stay over til Sunday with Kat, go to church with her and then visit some more friends, Karen and David, in Baltimore. Fun weekend, the girls are staying home with Grammy and Grandpop until Papa gets home from his conference on Friday night. I'll be kid free for 3 1/2 days.

Woooooooooow. (that says "Wow")

Probably the last time for a long time since I have only 3 weeks to go until my 2 girls become 3. (Or 2 girls and 1 boy, or something - we'll all have to wait and see...)

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