Sunday, July 22, 2007

Book 7

I'm avoiding news of every kind since yesterday, not hard to do over here. I won't get my hands on the new Harry Potter for another 10 days or so. Til then I am contenting myself with my pre-new book rereading of the previous book in the series.

HP and the DH is actually out in India and it really makes my blood boil that other people in India already have their hands on it. Bleh.


Elena said...

Oh, I hope you get it soon. It's soooo good. I got it on Saturday from the library (I couldn't believe it that they had it on the release date, ready to check out!). I forced myself not to read much then, didn't read any on Sunday but then gobbled it up yesterday. Enjoy!

Rebecca O said...

I'm hoping to get it at the beginning of next week. I finished my reread of the HBP last night so I am R E A D Y.

Hey, do you still blog?