Thursday, December 20, 2007

Carol Singing Is Over For Another Year

We ended carol singing last night at 1AM.

It was a delightful and exhausting three days. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and diarrhea but beyond that and some sore muscles, I feel pretty good.

I thank God for the many doors he opened for us. We had the opportunity to share the Gospel in open air settings three or four times every night as well as pray at every person's house.

Yesterday, while talking with my neighbor about the Christmas, I shared O.'s family's testimony with her. (They were Hindu and came to Christ). Of course Satan wanted to stall and stop these programs.

Our last big evangelistic thing is tomorrow night (pray). Our church is putting on it's annual Christmas Program (although the smaller version). My girls are in 2 programs and so am I so were busy today and tomorrow with practices. I'll be glad when it is all over, for sure.

On a side note, we've heard that some of our Rajasthan pastors are being told (by anti-Christian people), as in other years, that they cannot celebrate Christmas. Pray for them.

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