Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Week That Was (And Is)

This is one of those weeks. When did it start? When will it end?

O. finally got home on Monday evening. It turns out that he was almost in a deadly car accident on Monday and by God's grace (really, that's it) they and the vehical were saved.

So, he's fine and since he's back, things are hopping in the offices, and the house is full of guests. (One lady who has been with us since Saturday doesn't speak either Hindi or English, so it was a funny weekend while her husband was away with O. But man can she cook!

"Chicken Chicken, O. Sir come, Chicken?"

I heard through the grapevine another friend of O.'s is coming today. We'll see. Anyway, MY friend, Kat, is coming from America on Friday night and I am just biding my time til then. This may be the longest week evahhhh.

You know when you're looking forward to something and in the meantime, you can't get anything else done?. It's like you go into shut down mode. make it to Friday make it to Friday make it to Friday...


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