Friday, December 29, 2006

More Interesting Christmas Program Facts

O. spoke with the professional security we hired for during the Christmas program on the 21st.

These guys work for all kinds of big events, its' their job. So one of them asked O. how many people O. thought had attended the program.

O. said, "Oh, maybe 3000."

The security guy looked at O. like he was insane and said, "Over 9000 people attended."

I guess there were about 3500 who were inside the whole time from beginning to end, but the amount of people who showed up for some or part of the program passed 9000! Wow.

We've gotten a lot of great feedback from Christians and non-Christians alike. Several people have told us that they could never put on a program like this in their town. There'd be riots.

In fact, in O.'s village they could not even celebrate Christmas this year in the church there because of the persecution going on. There have been other reports of programs similar to ours in other parts of India that were disturbed by rioting.

In our own city, a catholic school's Christmas program was disturbed in some way.

God is so good and we knew we had the power of prayer with us. It was/is really a miraculous thing.

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