Saturday, November 12, 2005

Christy Madam's Woes

I spent some time with my friend Christy yesterday afternoon. She told me in the morning that she wanted to talk to me.

She and her husband run our children’s home and are very dedicated to the work. However, several of the children in the home are her relatives. Her mother-in-law was here recently and criticized Christy and her husband up and down and to anyone who would listen and continues to do so. (I don’t see her taking care of any of her grandchildren…) And Christy’s crazy sister (I mean literally, certifiably crazy) showed up on Saturday and plans to stay the month. What a nightmare. Poor Christy, and it’s her birthday today. At least she got it off her chest and she felt better.

Her husband is a great guy, I love him dearly. If I’m Dorothy then he’s Scarecrow. But one of the things that makes him so likable is his easy-going, even tempered personality. It also makes him very non-confrontational. He’s not so good at dealing with this kind of stuff.

So, we prayed and I talked to O. about everything. He has his ways of dealing with these things. Unfortunately some of the Grandmother’s and Aunt’s bad habits have rubbed off on the older girls, so I told Christy I’d deal with that. I’d been meaning to talk to the girls about boys and changing bodies anyway, I’ll just add gossiping to that talk. Probably do it on Sunday…

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