What Happened Last Year comes before this one of you want to read that first.
Right now O. is in Bombay trying to pick up the boxes of Christmas gifts that were lovingly purchased, boxed and sent for our Children's Home kids and pastors' kids and various other people. The boxes were supposed to go to the same city they went to last year where we know all the people, built relationships, know the directions, the "ins and outs', etc...
No. They got sent to Bombay and there they stopped (for some reason - nobody knows) and there's nothin' we can do about it but go get 'em. So, off O. went last night with 3 other guys to drive the 7 hours to Bombay and forge their way. I think O. said he went to 3 offices today and finally spent most of the day out front of a DHL office waiting. The Bombay DHL people are not nearly as nice as the one's in the other city. Actually, they're not
nice at all.
These people charged nearly 3x as much money as the other DHL office did last year and then they did nothing except threaten O. They are part of the militant Hindu party and felt the need to bring that up and the fact that we are Christian. They don't believe that the gifts are for free distribution, they harassed O. all day. It's not even
their business what's in the boxes.
Nothing got done. O. hasn't even made it to the customs people yet. We're just praying. Last year was horrible too (see below) and God gave a victory. Let's see what He'll do this time. I'm sure I'll have a post about it in the next few days. That's something to look forward to...
In the mean while, O. is twiddling his thumbs in Bombay while we have so much to do here. We have 15 guests coming on the 21st for the program on the 22nd. That program is just huge, I mean HUGE. We also have programs on the 24th, 25th, 31st and Jan 1 (which includes the MARRIAGE of the couple recently engaged.)
So, O. has way better things to be doing with his time. It's frustrating. Our worship leader is also in Bombay with O. since he's a driver as well as a musician. Of course, all music practice for the upcoming programs has stopped dead. Praveen who is on my carol singing team is also with O. and I'm annoyed since he won't be with us tomorrow. (I'm sure he has work he should be doing as well.)
We all know it's not about the gifts or the who hash or the roast beast. I just wish the whole process were a whole lot simpler.
Pray with us. We'll celebrate the victory together.Now I'm going to turn off the lights and watch my Christmas tree blink.