Monday, December 12, 2005


Since I am also a co-worker and pastor's wife, I figured I was entitled to a saree for Christmas too, so I picked out my favorites and had O. choose from them.

Here are the winners. the one in the middle is O.'s choice. You may notice it wasn't even up on the top list. He pulled it from the "non-chosen" pile. He says it's "official." I say it's boring. He says the sarees I like are "village sarees," I say they're pretty. The 2 sarees on the sides are 2nd choices. The one on the right was O.'s choice and the other mine. We have so many weddings, etc. coming up I couldn't resist. Now I have to buy 2 more sarees to replace them, oh well. At $6 a piece, it's not a real big problem.

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